Sunday, February 10, 2008

Referral Marketing: FOCUS!

As some of you know, last Monday (2/4), I said goodbye to my old devoted canine companion, Kalar. I have nearly 15 years of memories to keep me going but the vacancy in my heart and in my home is painful. I miss her in every way.

The loss of Kalar came the day before one of the biggest presentations of my career. I was scheduled to be the keynote speaker for Pittsburgh's International Networking Day celebratory event! My mind was certainly not focused on the presentation about to be upon me. Luckily, I had everything prepared and ready to go. Luckily, I have incredibly supportive people surrounding me. Still ... my mind was in a fog and my heart ached. How in the world would I be able to perform at my best?!

FOCUS!! The very next day, the day of the presentation, I woke up and told myself that failure was not an option. Even though I was totally exhausted, I reminded myself of all the people who have worked so hard to get to this day and there was no way I would let them down. I reminded myself that there would be a time to mourn her loss ... just not now. I told myself that it could have been worse ... what if she were to have passed TODAY?! So ... I thanked Kalar for knowing when it was the right time and I settled into my office to review my presentation one last time.

Knowing how to focus your mind is a true artform. Knowing what to physically do to keep yourself focused enables you to perform at your best. Knowing how to truly focus your word of mouth message enhances your success with referral marketing.

FOCUS ... when you need it, I hope you can find it!!

[This picture of Kalar was taken in December 2007]


Debby said...

Michelle, I always knew you were a professional, but now you've cemented that opinion. I am so sorry.

Unknown said...

Having been in your first Chaos session, I know there is no luck involved in your being ready. I agree with Debbie, you are a pro. And if there is a dog heaven, Kalar is surely there. May she rest in peace.