Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dog Training

One of my favorite tv shows is the "Dog Whisperer" with Ceasar Milan. Ceaser is amazing! It blows my mind how simple he makes it seem as he "rehabilitates dogs and trains people". Some of the key elements of dog rehabilitation is the human being consistent, being calm/assertive, and being able to project positive energy.

How does this apply to networking your business?

Imagine when you emit calm, assertive, positive energy at a networking function. This kind of demeanor enhances your approachability and likeability at a networking event. People are attracted to others who are calm, assertive and positive. When you increase your approachability, people seek you out and make a point to meet you. Eventually, this enhances your effectiveness at the event.

Being consistent with referral partners actually enhances your success. People like to know that they can count on you and that you will consistently keep your word. It's great to gain a reputation for always being early, always calling someone back in 24 hours, or always following up quickly with a referral. For the most part, people shy away from others who don't do what they say they're going to do. One reason ... association. No one really wants to be associated with someone who lacks integrity and has poor business ethics.

When you have the opportunity, watch an episode of the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic channel. Take a lesson from Ceasar ... when networking, remain calm, assertive, and consistent and always emit positive energy.

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