Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Referral Marketing: Informational Support

Have you ever realized that the most successful people are often supported by other successful people? As a business owner, it's wise to surround yourself with people who can provide you with informational support to help you reach your goals. Often times, we get caught up in trying to do too much by ourselves!

For example, I've learned to surround myself with people who are very good at areas that are my weakness. I am not very technically inclined ... therefore, I have some close contacts that help me alot in that area ... Linda, Jason and Bob ... thank you! There is no way that I could be successful without their support. They are my experts! I depend on them.

However, I could still be doing better. So, I have a renewed commitment to find more people who can support me with information. I strongly encourage you to do the same!

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