Friday, June 20, 2008

Referral Marketing: YouTube!

Those who know me best know that I am not at all techno-savy! On the other hand, I'm a life long learner and enjoy knowing and exploring new things. In addition, I also know when to turn it over to someone much more capable than me.

Case in point! Recently, my co-author, Dr. Ivan Misner and I did a presentation to the National BNI Conference in Orlando, Florida. Several people felt that it would be good for me to put a clip of the presentation on YouTube. Well, of course I know OF YouTube, but that's about it, really. I had never even been to the sight ... until now! So, after checking it out a bit I turned it over to the one person I trust to handle all my technology needs ... Linda! Through the magic of Linda, she made it happen. Now, I've got a video clip of my presentation, which also spotlights my new book, The 29% Solution. WOW! I'm starting to feel the electronic vibes of online marketing success!!!

To check out the clip, simply click on the link in the RIGHT column of this page.

I've learned a few lessons from this experience:

1. Don't be afraid of technology ... it can give you huge marketing leverage!
2. If you can't do it ... it's no excuse ... find someone who can!
3. Always, always, always ... think BIG and hang around with others who think BIG too!

Enjoy the clip.

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