Thursday, August 07, 2008

Referral Marketing: 29% Global Success

If you've been following this blog, you would know that I have a new book out that will become available to the public on September 1 in all major book stores. The book is called, The 29% Solution: 52 Weekly Networking Success Strategies. I co-authored this book with the internationally known networking expert, Dr. Ivan Misner, founder of the worlds largest networking organization, BNI.

What's been really cool about this whole experience is to watch how this book is having global success. The other day, there was an article about the book in a paper in Montreal, Canada. Advanced copies of the books are already being purchased by BNI Directors around the world. And, today, I saw a story about a soldier (Lt. Colonel Edward Bean) reading my book in the back of his blackhawk helicopter in Kuwait! WOW!! I'm blown away and the ride is just beginning ... since the book has not yet been officially released.

Here is just one of many reviews already posted on

How can you lose when you get to chose 52 weeks of Networking Activities!, July 26, 2008
Tim R. Green (Flint, MI) -Wow and I thought I was a word-of-mouth marketing expert until I read this book. My hat is off to Dr. Misner & Michelle Donovan! Don't let the title fool you. The 29% Solution should be re-titled The 100% Solution! All you have to do each week is engage yourself in one of the networking activities. Finally a simple way to financial success. Every college should require students working on a business degree to read the 29% Solution.

If you, too, are interested in an advanced copy, visit my website for details.

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