Monday, March 22, 2010

Referral Marketing: Keep Track of Your Mileage

Keeping track of things is an ongoing effort! Stop and think of how many things in your business life you have to keep track of ... such as:

Your schedule
Your profits and losses
Your expenses
Your budget
Your goals
Your results
Your mileage

This is just the tip of the iceberg for most business owners! Keeping track is important in order to know how things are going and if you're on track.

Are you keeping track of your referral mileage? Are you keeping track of what you GIVE to your network and what you RECEIVE? Are you keeping track of the return on your networking investment? Are you keeping track of your referrals and who they come from and when?

Keeping track of your referral mileage is one of those things that only the most successful referral marketers do. If you want to be among the best, begin to include this process in your business. Seek out a new book by my friend, Dr. Ivan Misner, called Networking Like a Pro. In there you'll find a scorecard tool to help you keep track of your referral mileage.

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