Monday, July 07, 2008

Referral Marketing: It's All About ME!

Imagine what the world would be like if it revolved entirely around YOU! From the perspective of a 4-5 year old ... the world really DOES revolve around them. You can see it in everything they do. They make decisions based on what will benefit them, first and foremost. They manipulate their parents whenever they can to get what they want ... now, sooner than later. Perhaps as a parent you've been the victim of the "mommy said this" and the "daddy said that" game of "how to position your parents against each other so that they give in" tactic. They work the system of their world completely to their advantage.

Most kids at this age don't quite appreciate that the world really doesn't revolve around them. They haven't yet learned the true value in giving to others first. They haven't learned to process their decisions to include the impact on others ... and nor should we expect them to at this age. Can you remember when you first learned this life lesson? I'm certain that my parents played a big role in teaching me at some point. I know the Girl Scouts in this photo will begin to learn it on some level in Girl Scouting.

Unfortunately, I see people all the time who are networking in their own world. You can tell that they believe (at least at that moment) that the world revolves around THEM! Sometimes you'll see them buzzing around like hummingbirds passing their cards to anyone who has an empty hand. As if everyone in the room really wants their card in the first place. Sometimes you'll hear them as they verbally throw up on people around you ... talking all about themselves over and over again ... never asking about the other person at all.

Some how, these folks missed a valuable life lesson. When involved in business networking, it's never all about you ... it's rather all about the other person and what value you can bring to the relationship. Ask yourself this question: How can I help them? NOT... How can they help me?

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