Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Referral Marketing: Cast Your Ballot!

Today is a special day in our country! It's a day to freely express your opinion. A day to execute an American right to cast a ballot for the person you feel is right to move our country forward. A record number of voters is anticipated today and there are many assumptions as to why that will be the case.

In my opinion, the record turn-out will be due to the fact that people have been motivated like never before! People have participated in registering first time voters like never before! People have been inspired into motion ... like never before! Motivated, inspired and involved people can make things happen.

Imagine if you and your business were surrounded by motivated, inspired and involved people to help work your word of mouth marketing campaign? Imagine if the people who were referring you were as passionate as the campaigne volunteers have been for their candidate? Imagine if your message was shared with as much conviction as each candidate attempted to share to its supporters?

Each candidate took the race very seriously. Do you take YOUR word of mouth message as seriously as a run for the White House? Why not? Imagine how things might change if you did?

If you haven't done so already ... VOTE!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And think of all the money politicians could save by using all those inspired, motivated people to do their word of mouth campaigning by referral marketing. Maybe they don't trust or have not educated their team.