Wednesday, April 18, 2007

False Sense of Credibility

Have you ever been emotionally broad-sided by someone? I mean in the sense that you thought you were "in" solidly with someone when in fact you come to find out, you're not! That's getting emotionally broad-sided! Many of us got experience with this in high school. It hurts.

In referral marketing, it looks something like this:

You feel like you make a good impression. You think people like you. You talk about your business all the time so you're sure people understand what you do. You meet with people. You listen and try to help other people as best you can. Then it comes ... the emotional broad-side! BAM! You find out that someone you felt fairly connected to refers a colleague to someone else. OUCH! It hurts. How could that be? How could they not know that you could have helped that person just as well, if not better?

Sometimes, that referral is going to an already established, well developed relationship that is somewhat out of your control.

However, other times, the answer is ... you have a false sense of credibility with that person. Yes, it might be hard to swallow, but it could be the truth. In reality, your relationship with that person just might not be as developed as you thought it was. The good news is ... it's fixable. You have to work hard at developing credibility. You have to prove yourself over and over again to be known as consistently credible. You need to give ... ALOT ... before you can ever expect it to come to you.

It's called NetWORK for a reason! It takes time to develop the relationships you want. It takes commitment on your part to give to the relationship. And, it takes you being an exceptional educator to help other people truly understand how you help to solve people's problems.

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