Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Shapes of Loyalty

Loyalty ... it comes in all shapes and sizes. It's that person who has chosen to travel through life with you, overlooking your flaws. It's that scruffy faced, wet nosed friend that waits at the door for you. It's that tiny purring friend that snuggles on your lap. It's the customer that keeps coming back. It's the referral partner that keeps on referring you.

Loyalty just doesn't develop over night. Especially when it comes to referrals. Somewhere after the "trust you" phase, loyalty begins to form. It's kind of like the dog that has been rescued from the pound. Initially, the dogs will begin to like you ... in time, it will begin to trust you. If the trust is proven, the dog will become very loyal to you ... no matter what. If the dog can't trust you, the relationship will go no further.

Referral relationships that are built on trust develop intense loyalty. That's the foundation of BNI and in my opinion, one of the best ways to do business. Just this week, two colleagues of mine approached me to organize an advisory board, on my behalf, to brainstorm strategies on how to move my business passed the tipping point. Someone doesn't offer to do that for you unless you have developed loyalty towards each other. I am deeply grateful for these relationships. I'm moved by their willingness to give to me and my business.

What are you giving to create such loyal relationships?

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