Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Time Well Spent!

Today, I hosted a conference call for my Certified Networker graduates. The main discussion topic was focused on referral partners and what's working or not working.
Two common themes came out in the call ... TIME and ACCOUNTABILITY.

It takes time to not only develop a referral partner but also to maintain the relationship once it's formed. Those who are most successful right now are dedicating the time to their partners or to finding the right partner. This means meeting monthly on a regular basis if not more often. In addition, these are the same people who have built in accountability into their referral marketing system.

On person actually uses an accountability partner and another person uses their referral partner as an accountability partner. Still someone else uses the networking scorecard as an accountability tool. Another shared element of success seemed to be that the referral partner was a Certified Networker graduate.

The bottom line is this ... you can't get a high return on your investment if you don't even make an investment!

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