Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Increasing your referability all starts with the FOOT! It doesn't matter which foot ... it's the foot that gets you in the door.

What's your "foot" to get you in the door? If you want your referral partners to refer you, you've got to make it very easy for them! The easier it is ... the more referrals you'll get. And, if you train your referral partners appropriately, they'll make it even easier for you by pre-qualifying the referral to ensure that it's a good one!

One example of the "foot" is the Dream Book seminar that my friend Becky Hooman, a Certified Financial Planner with Ameriprise Financial, uses to get herself in front of prospects. It's much easier for her referral partners to refer people the seminar than to talk to people about their financial situation.

Another example are the preview sessions that I use for the Certified Networker program. I offer free 90 minute preview sessions that act as a teaser for the course and give people value that they can implement that day. Again, it's easier for referral partners to get someone to a free preview than to convince them to take the program.

So, what's your foot in the door? Do you make it easy for your referral partners?

(Incidentally, you might want to explore the book in the image if you want to network your way to the next job ... I haven't read but it looks interesting).

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