Monday, March 12, 2007

Golden Goose!

The other day, I hosted a Certified Networker Graduate Luncheon for the graduates in my region. There were about 11 people there with the topic being "Who is your golden goose and how can we help you find them?"

We began by defining "golden goose" ... which in my mind comes to mean this ... those people who can lead you to multiple referral partners! Since this was a group of Certified Networker graduates, they all knew how to define referral partner. But for the purposes of this forum ... a referral partner is someone who is in front of your same target market for a different reason than you. They have the potential to send you referral business all day, every day!

We started by going around the room with each person listing who they would like to have as a referral partner. Then the group began to brainstorm a list of potential golden geese for each person.

WOW! What a result! Each person began not quite knowing the meaning of golden geese and left with a list of who to look for as potential golden geese. Even my dear friend Linda, the doubting Thomas of this session, left with a huge smile on her face and nearly a plan of action ... as only Linda would create!

For myself ... within two days, I was introduced to a radio show host that I mentioned I wanted to meet and put into contact with a huge potential golden goose ... thanks, Larry & David!

It's true ... the golden goose does lay a golden egg ... especially if your golden egg is a perfect referral partner!

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