Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Referral Marketing: New Year / New Habits!

Welcome to 2008! I find it hard to believe, but yes ... another year is upon us!

I noticed this morning that the YMCA that I belong to had a surge of new faces in the hallways! Yep ... you guessed it ... it's the January rush of new year resolution promise makers. They promise to exercise more and take better care of themselves. And, if you're a regular to the Y you know that in a month or so, the hallways will be back to normal with the regular faces, as all the promise makers have given up.

Why do so many people try to make a commitment and then give up?! I think it's because it's really, really hard to change a behavior or break an old habit! Jack Canfield, creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul, says it takes at least 30 days to break a habit. He also says this (paraphrased) ... "All of your current habits got you to where you are right now. If you want to be somewhere else, you need NEW habits in order to get there!"
So ... think about your referral marketing efforts. All of your habits are giving you the results that you're getting right now. If you want better results from your referral marketing efforts, you need NEW habits! What will they be for 2008? How will you ensure that you stick to them? Will one of your new habits be to hire a referral marketing coach or business advisor?

New habits lead to new results! It's the simplist hardest thing to do for your business.

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