Monday, November 19, 2007

Referral Marketing: Zebra Stripes

Zebras ...

From a distance, they all look the same! Is it a white background with black stripes or a black background with white stripes? Regardless, they all have stripes. They all have four legs, two ears, two eyes, etc. From a distance ... they all look the same.

When you get up close and personal with a zebra (like on Animal Planet) you can easily notice that indeed they are NOT the same. They each have a unique stripe pattern, like a fingerprint! So, what's the big deal?!

I talk to people all the time about expanding their network of referral sources. For example, I tell people that it's great to know more than one financial advisor. But, some people get hung up on that idea. They say things like, "how can I build a relationship with more than one financial advisor?" "What if one finds out that I gave referrals to another?"

From a distance, all financial advisors might look like zebras ... all alike. In reality, they're not. As a referral source, it's my job to be able to recognize their unique patterns and refer my client or family or friend to the person that's BEST suited for them. If I have the right financial advisors in my network ... they will thank me for sending them the right kind of referral ... the highest quality referral!

Learn to see the real zebra through the stripes!

1 comment:

Brian Panichelle said...

Hi Michelle,

This is so true. If every professional has a slightly different target market and slightly different way of doing things. The will recognize that every client is not for them. It will also help give depth to your own network. Great advice!
